Xalet del nin, barcelona 

Matt & Danielle

A Wedding Video of an American, Fashion, Romantic, and Party Wedding at Xalet del Nin, Barcelona

If you're planning a wedding abroad, Barcelona is definitely worth considering.

This city provides a picture-perfect backdrop for any wedding. And, if you want to capture the magic of your special day, a wedding video is a must-have.

We recently had the pleasure of shooting a wedding video at Xalet del Nin, and we were blown away by the beauty of the setting and the love that filled the air. The bride, an American fashion lover, wore a breathtaking gown that perfectly complemented the romantic and party atmosphere of the day.

Don't let memories slip through your fingers!

The team:

Video: https://www.sublimefilms.pt/

Bride @dgeeee3
Groom @mattbelitz3
Venue @xaletdelnin
Planner @awebykerry
Photo : https://bringmesomewherenice.com/
Food @sensacionsbarcelona
MUAH @taragervacio_bridal
Dress @sarahseven
Music @suitandmusic


Carly & Ross | They had party, Quinta da Conceição